Posts Tagged ‘news’

HuffPostBiz’s Soundtrack To Making, Spending, Losing And Consequently Worrying About Money (VIDEO)

April 12, 2012


money making

HuffPostBiz’s Soundtrack To Making, Spending, Losing And Consequently Worrying About Money (VIDEO).

Here at HuffPostBiz, we know two things: this is a material world, and in this material world, issues can often arise.

Yes, as an early-1990s prophet once noted, „it’s like the more money we come across, the more problems we see.“ Indeed, prophet. And if the argument proves true that money is „the root of all evil today,“ maybe Ben Bernanke’s easy money policies aren’t such winners after all.

Anyway, the next time someone’s hassling you to pay their bills, bills, bills, or you start to dream about what your life would be like if you had a million dollars, turn to Spotify and plug in this little playlist we have right here. Because you know what they say: Mo‘ playlists, no problem.



Seth’s Blog: Making big decisions about money

April 12, 2012



Seth’s Blog: Making big decisions about money.

Making big decisions about money

We’re bad at it. And marketers know this.

Consider: you’re buying a $30,000 car and you have the option of upgrading the stereo to the 18 speaker, 100 watt version for just $500 more. Should you?

Or perhaps you’re considering two jobs, one that you love and one that pays $2,000 more. Which to choose?


You are lucky enough to be able to choose between two colleges. One, the one with the nice campus and slightly more famous name, will cost your parents (and your long-term debt) about $200,000 for four years, and the other („lesser“ school) has offered you a full scholarship.

Which should you take?

In a surprisingly large number of cases, we take the stereo, even though we’d never buy a nice stereo at home, or we choose to „go with our heart because college is so important“ and pick the expensive college. (This is, of course, a good choice to have to make, as most people can’t possibly find the money).

Here’s one reason we mess up: Money is just a number.

Comparing dreams of a great stereo (four years of driving long distances, listening to great music!) compared with the daily reminder of our cheapness makes picking the better stereo feel easier. After all, we’re not giving up anything but a number.

The college case is even more clear. $200,000 is a number that’s big, sure, but it doesn’t have much substance. It’s not a number we play with or encounter very often. The feeling about the story of compromise involving something tied up in our self-esteem, though, that feeling is something we deal with daily.

Here’s how to undo the self-marketing. Stop using numbers.

You can have the stereo if you give up going to Starbucks every workday for the next year and a half. Worth it?

If you go to the free school, you can drive there in a brand new Mini convertible, and every summer you can spend $25,000 on a top-of-the-line internship/experience, and you can create a jazz series and pay your favorite musicians to come to campus to play for you and your fifty coolest friends, and you can have Herbie Hancock give you piano lessons and you can still have enough money left over to live without debt for a year after you graduate while you look for the perfect gig…

Suddenly, you’re not comparing „this is my dream,“ with a number that means very little. You’re comparing one version of your dream with another version.

Build Your Own VPN to Pimp Out Your Gaming, Streaming, Remote Access, and Oh Yeah, Security

April 12, 2012

cool oder

Build Your Own VPN to Pimp Out Your Gaming, Streaming, Remote Access, and Oh Yeah, Security.

9-year-old’s DIY cardboard arcade gets flashmobbed – Boing Boing

April 11, 2012

9-year-old’s DIY cardboard arcade gets flashmobbed – Boing Boing.

Caine’s Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.

Create a Kickass, Seamless, Play-Everything Media Center: The Complete Guide

April 11, 2012

Create a Kickass, Seamless, Play-Everything Media Center: The Complete Guide.

3 Delicious Qualities of a Work Positive-Solid Business | PRLog

April 10, 2012

3 Delicious Qualities of a Work Positive-Solid Business | PRLog.

My grandmother gave me a chocolate bunny every spring when I was a child.  I always looked forward to getting it, but there were some chocolate bunnies I liked better than others.

Some years she gave me a hollow chocolate bunny. Now I really liked the chocolate, but when I bit into it, there was nothing but air.

Other years she gave me a marshmallow-

filled chocolate bunny.  It was great because it had something inside.  But marshmallow does get a little old after a few bites and it’s just not chocolate.

My favorite years were those when my grandmother gave me a solid chocolate bunny.  I knew exactly what to expect with each bite because they were chocolate all the way through. An unbeatable combination!

Do your customers know what to expect from your business?

What about your employees?

Do you know what to expect?

Here are 3 delicious qualities of a Work Positive-solid business you can grow and give today:

Do your customers or clients trust you?

Can they turn their back on you, i.e., trust you to do what you say you’re going to do, the way you said you’d do it?

Do they have to read the fine print, covering their backside with you, for fear of you wiggling out of the agreement?

To create a Work Positive-solid business, one that lives up to its advertising appearances, be trustworthy with your customers. When clients take a bite of your business, they know what to expect, enjoy the taste, and come back for more with their friends.

Your cash flow will hop with delight as you build trusting relationships with your customers and clients in creating a Work Positive-solid business.

If we surveyed your employees, would they say you’re an owner of integrity? Someone who keeps promises? Who backs up talk with walk?

They’re always watching you. They can tell when business is good, and when it’s not. They fill the information vacuum with their worries when you’re not talking and walking the same.

We all want low-maintenance employees; top-talent teams who help us achieve our Work Positive dreams. Attracting and hiring them is one thing. Keeping them is another.

Talk and walk consistently. Keep your promises. Conduct yourself with integrity as you create a Work Positive-solid business. Your employees’ productivity sky-rockets as you do.

Are you honest with yourself?

Even if you know something is false, if you repeat to yourself often enough, you believe it. But what have you really accomplished for your business?

For instance, are you honest enough with yourself to admit to a customer when you make a mistake? Or, do you roll an employee under the bus?

You gain more business when you choose to be honest—“I apologize. I blew it.”—than when you employee-toss.

Your customers will be relieved to know that you are honest and take personal responsibility for your mistakes. Your employees will defend you to the last dollar when you tell the truth.

Be honest with yourself, your clients, and your employees. Tell the truth as you create a Work Positive-solid business. Your bottom line goes supernova positive as you do!

# # #

Dr. Joey Faucette is a speaker, coach, & best-selling author of Work Positive in a Negative World: Redefine Your Reality and Achieve Your Business Dreams who coaches professionals to redefine their reality and achieve their business dreams.

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Art Fair MoneyMaking Secrets

April 10, 2012
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Learn how artists make money at art fairs and craft shows!
Art Head Start: 150pg 180pix art home study ebook. By former art prof.
Effective self defenses from simple ultimate martial arts training video
To have a well-behaved talking parrot, use these parrot training tips.
Home study art instruction by former art college instructor. Make art.
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Fine Art ebook’s guide to choosing great art & making sound investments.
Mandala art will enrich your life and move you towards self discovery.


April 10, 2012

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As you earn money from home really durable!

April 7, 2012

each of my newsletter is subscribed to tips and tricks for wirkklich only make money really tried to get into the practice sind.

„Make work pay again!“ Said the voice from on a daily basis
the media, but no one tells you how to do it really.

As you bring in a solid job every day excellence, remains on your hard-earned money to spend less and less. The consequences of such action have many years of exhaustion, dissatisfaction and, ideally, the desire to do something else.

Maybe you have to rely on out of work and the achievements of the Agency. Then your problem is even more pronounced.

Although you have to live very frugal, the money goes from front to back not, you will be devalued in your environment that breaks up the family and even the small wishes to remain on the

Let your life does not pass by just like that to yourself! they
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how to do it.

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Kim Kardashian flour-bomb attack, photos and video | PanAsianBiz

April 6, 2012



Kim Kardashian flour-bomb attack, photos and video | PanAsianBiz.